Apples and Lace E-Packet


This is a Digital Product. Apples and Lace brings the beauty of apples hanging from the branch of an apple tree and combines it with lace to add beauty to any corner of a room. Painted on a graphic of greens, motifs from an old postcard, lace doilies, and even an old paper napkin, you paint only the apples, and leaves.

The e-packet includes complete instructions, photo, color chips, and line drawing. The background is available in electronic format, and you can print the background using your computer and printer.

SKU: EPKT-ApplesLace Categories: , Tags: , ,


Many of the designs painted by Jeanne Downing in our E-Packets selection are executed on her unique, one-of-a-kind backgrounds. Therefore, the E-Packets do not contain instructions for creating the backgrounds, but include information about their availability. There is also a reference to the background associated with an E-Packet within the description here in the Shop.

Prices are Subject to Change Without Notification.