Pansies in the Parlor Background


Pansies in the Parlor is a background texture to be used as a background for your artwork. It is available in two formats, electronic download or printed hardcopy. The background is 8 x 10″ to be used in portrait orientation. Select your preferred format, E-Background or Printed. These unique painting surfaces inspire, are ready in a few minutes, and are little pieces of art in and of themselves. Try one today!



Our Backgrounds are digitally created using Adobe® Photoshop and Corel® Painter. Each design comprises several elements of traditional artwork and digital mediums, enhanced with blending modes, digital brushes, and other design elements such as scripts and motifs. These unique backgrounds can be printed on art papers, canvas, and archival index card stock using an inkjet or laser printer. See our video tutorials showing how to print the backgrounds. Printing instructions are included with each E-Background.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

E-Backgrounds, Printed

Prices are Subject to Change Without Notification.